The latest scoop, according to reports says that Sony Ericsson’s elusive handset, the Xperia X1, as now been further delayed. This is getting rather annoying as the handset just doesn’t seem to be making any headway. This looks like it is some sort of gimmick the company has cooked up to flash the Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional handset at as many events as possible without making a proper statement as to when it will officially launch. It was showcased at SE's booth at this year's IFA as well.
The last news we heard was that the handset was due to be out a while back. Nothing happened of course, and it was delayed till the latter half of the year. October was the speculation. Now it seems that has been further delayed to the end of the year. December or maybe even January of 2009. All I have to say is, if the company is taking so much time to make sure the handset is properly prepped and glitch-free for a launch, this had better be one heck of a mobile phone. iPhone 3G and N96, look out!
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